Uber-ing to Debt

Are you guilty of taking Uber a little too often?

You snooze your alarm for the third time before finally rolling out of bed. After rubbing your eyes a few time, you gingerly prepare yourself for the fact you’re trying to avoid. The clock is staring back and you’re 20 minutes late. No chance you’re getting to work on time – time to take an Uber.

It’s just $5. I know the feeling. I’m running late, I have to take Uber. And plus…. it is only $5. What’s $5 when you have $80 to spend per day. Sure, one ride doesn’t make a difference, but who only takes one Uber ride? It feels good, it is more comfortable, and it is certainly easier than the subway (and probably more likely to be on time).

A slippery slope. You’re trying to pay down your debt and save up money, but instead, you’re spending your hard-earned money on useless conveniences. The worst part is that once you get used to taking an Uber, instead of getting up on time and taking the bus, you’re more and more likely to do it again. Remember, you have a goal and getting sloppy and lazy is just taking you further and further away.

Are there other options? Of course. Get up on time! No one can judge you there, but obviously, it is the best option. But what about the times you take Uber to your friend’s place just because you’re feeling a little lazy? It is cold out, the bus is late, the subway is far away. But is a short 10-minute walk worth getting closer to reaching your goals? Absolutely. Can you put on some warm gloves and make the hike? Yes, you can. And wake up on time.

The $5 dollar rule. Paying down your debt and saving money starts with small steps. With as little as saving $5, you can make a massive difference in your financial situation over long periods of times. Can it be difficult at times? Absolutely. But is it worth it at the end? Definitely. Make the small changes today and watch how they compound over time. You won’t regret it.

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